Thursday, November 17, 2011

I sang today.

It seems simple, but singing brings me so much joy. I didn’t realize what an affect it had on me until I stopped doing it for a week. I’ve been around people 24/7 and have been on the go, so I just haven’t been around music to sing. I share a room and am usually rushed in the morning, so I haven’t been getting my daily dose of morning tunes and we always talk in the car instead of turning on the radio, so I haven't heard music there either. But I hadn’t really noticed that music wasn’t in my life this past week….until one of the other students, Shannon, asked me about my favorite worship music. We sat in the back of our 9-passenger van and swapped our favorite worship songs. I put the phone up to my ear and listened to a song I’ve never heard and then it hit me. I haven’t heard music (well, besides Fado) in a week. I just closed my eyes and immediately a calm came over me. Then the song was over and I wanted more. We got back to the Bible Institute where we’re staying and started packing for Paris tomorrow. Shannon and I (we also happen to be roommates) looked at each other and immediately knew we needed to continue our worship music session. She blasted her iTunes and we both belted out the words to out favorite songs. It was therapy. And so so needed.

This is a little personal to be sharing on a blog, but I’m going to do it anyway. These last few days I had been feeling a little…off. Days 1-4 of the trip were amazing, but I found myself getting quitter, falling back into the crowd, and just going through the motions. I came to Europe with a lot on my mind. I knew this time would be a time of great thought and healing…hence the name for my blog, “Renewed: a la Europe”. So why wasn’t I feeling renewed? I found a piece of renewal yesterday when we stopped for a picnic lunch in this cute little park 2 hours outside of Porto. I walked away from the group, took a breath, and looked up. And there it was. My favorite tree in Portugal. I had found it. If you don’t know this about me, I have a favorite tree in almost every city. I love trees. I really do. I have a favorite tree in Reedley, one in San Diego, one in New York, on the San Francisco. Everywhere I go, I look for THE TREE…the one that’s going to inspire me or just make me feel good inside, then I take a minute, I lay down under it, and I just watch the leaves blow in the wind. I found my favorite tree in Portugal and did just that.  

So after finding my favorite tree, getting some alone time because I needed to stay in and get better, and then singing today, I finally feel a bit renewed. I’m tellin’ ya…singing is my therapy. It’s amazing how true that old cliché really is…you don’t know how much you miss something until it’s lost. Ok, so maybe that saying is meant for a person, but this time, it means a thing….singing. I do it so regularly back at home that I took for granted what it does for my soul. There’s something about hearing the music, opening my mouth, and just belting out a’s almost euphoric.

So…here’s to trees, singing, and a new adventure…Paris awaits tomorrow!

And, as promised, here’s a story in pictures, of our time visiting the Knight’s Templar (so cool) and Porto (or what little I saw of it before I turned in to heal). Oh…and for those who asked, yes, I’m feeling much much better. 10 hours of sleep, some NyQuil, and a song is just what I needed to kick that cold, or whatever it was. 

The Night's Templar

What's left of the chapel

Pretty trees...but nothing like my favorite. :)

Excited to go in and see it!


Take a look at that courtyard! Can't you just imagine sword fights and princesses!?

A very ornate alter. 

 Notice that when you go into the next room and turn around, Jesus is the only thing you can see through the doorway. 

High and narrow staircase we climbed!

I made them do a photo shoot. 

Up on the roof! 

So pretty! 

 I thought this wall was really cool!

The women in the kitchen.  

Finally...we made it to Porto! 

 We took a tour of the Sandman Port Wine Cellar. 

Porto at night!

PS - if you didn't get a chance, take a look at my previous blog "Fate, Wine, and Surfing". I posted 2 in one day, so I thought it may have gotten lost after posting this one. 

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING!!! Some of those pictures are so intense, you guys look "green-screened" in.. LOL!!!
