Wednesday, November 30, 2011

For your consideration.

Rome has proven itself to be a wonderful city, once again. Maria and I had such a busy, yet fulfilling day today. It started with a blessing from the Pope, himself, in the Vatican, a trek up 551 steps to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica, a tour of the Colosseum, and dinner at the most wonderful REAL, “mom and pop”, non-touristy Italian restaurant. See pictures below!

A couple things came to mind today. Most importantly was the idea of consideration. Maria and I are very different, yet very similar people. We are both detailed, however…(If you know me at all, I have a little secret for you. Ready?)…on trips and vacation, 100% of my type-A personality goes away. I’m serious. I’m the most unorganized, free-spirited, I-have-no-idea-where-I’m-going, “oh shoot, where’s the museum ticket I just bought” person….ever. You would never know it by how I am at home, but it’s true. And Maria…she has maps and schedules and tickets and print-outs, oh my! But you know what, it works. I was a little worried I would get on her nerves because I literally have no idea where I’m going or what plan is next and that can be frustrating to someone who is trying to make the most out of their trip, but I think (I hope), it’s actually working out really well. When we get lost, I bring to light the enjoyment of how you can actually find the most interesting things when you don’t know your way. And when I have no idea what I’m looking at or how to get to the next monument, Maria is there with a map, memorized directions, and information on everything. We balance each other out. So where does this idea of consideration come into play? Because no matter how opposite or similar you are to someone, you have to be considerate to make a relationship of any kind work. I’ve noticed that we constantly ask each other, “Is that ok with you?”, “What would you like to do?”, “Would you like me to hold that for you?”, “I know you’re really into this, so would you like to do that?”, etc. Consideration. Before coming on this trip, I wrestled with this idea a lot. Many “grown-ups” in my life have given me advice that I need to stand up for myself, do what I need to do to get what I want, don’t be a push-over, don’t let someone to that to you, get tough on them. And you know what? Every single time I’ve let go of my softer side, it’s completely backfired. Every. Time. Basically, I’m awful at being tough. Yes, being a push-over is not ok, but I prefer to kill my flies with honey rather than with vinegar. And I prefer to let a lot of things roll off my back.  I’m done with listening to advice about how I need to stand up for myself. When the time is needed, believe me, I’ll stand up for myself. But for the most part, I’m ok with being the nice girl. I’m ok with seemingly being “the push over” (key word there “seemingly”). Ok, I got off on a little tangent there, but what I’m getting at is consideration is a good thing. And maybe those grown-ups who told me to “get tough” should try it every once in a while. Put yourself in another person’s shoes. Try being kind instead of being bitter. Stop for a second and think about what your words are doing to the person receiving them. Whether that be the person on the other end of an annoying sales call or your spouse or the person you’re traveling with that is very different from you, every tone and every word effects people. It’s nice to be nice. And for Maria and I, our consideration for one another has made this trip together work!

Another thought on consideration…
We climbed up 551 steps to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica today. Before starting the climb there was a sign on the wall that said something to the effect of “as you walk up these steps, keep in mind the elderly and the suffering”. And I did. With each step, I thought of the people in Africa who have to walk miles and miles for water each day.  I thought of the orphans who walk through life knowing no parents. I thought of the poor who walk without being fed. And I thought of the blessed who walk with plenty of resources to give to those in need. I am one of them. Today was a good reminder of how important it is to give to and serve others. Here I was walking up one of the most beautiful pieces of history in Rome and there are others in the world looking for a scrap of food to eat for the week. Each day I’m more and more appreciative of this trip and the wonderful life that I have. I hope I never forget it.  And I hope I always remember to be considerate. 

The Pope

551 Narrow Steps to the Top? Bring it!

Made it!

The Colosseum

I come all the way to Rome, eat in a REAL Italian, non-touristy restaurant off the beaten path, food made by a mom and dad and served by their kids, and what do I find...a Fresno State sticker on the kitchen window. The guy in the picture is the son that studied at Fresno State for 3 months. Small world!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE ALL OF THIS! You know my motto has always been, not "Lauren stand up for yourself" but "Lauren does what Lauren wants!" Even if that means being nice and considerate ;-)

    xoxo. this blog is awesome.
